Recent poster presentations
Pike, C., Olmstead, A., Vasquez, A., Gutmann, B & Barringer, D., Students’ Values and Ideas about an Ethical Dilemma in Physics. 2022, Texas State’s Undergraduate Research Conference:
Close, E. W., Quichocho, X. R., Schipull, E. M., Conn, J., & Shultz, M. (2020). The Learning Assistant Model: Creating Community, Supporting Minoritized Learners’ STEM Identity Development and Identity Integration. Poster presented at the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education Annual Conference, virtual conference, March 2021.
Quichocho, X. R., Conn, J., Schipull, E. M., & Close, E. W., Experiences of physics students with multiple marginalized identities in an equity and community oriented LA Program, 2020 PhysTec Conference:
Vasquez, A., Gutmann, B., Barringer, D., & Olmstead, A., How can we teach ethics using a case study of the Thirty Meter Telescope?, 2020 APS National Mentoring Community Conference:
Quichocho, X. R., Conn, J., Schipull, E. M., & Close, E. W., People Like Me: Intersectional Identity Development in a Physics LA Program, 2020 APS National Mentoring Community Conference:
Olmstead, A., Close, E., Ochoa-Madrid, E., Luxford, C., Feng, L., & Galloway, H., Creating faculty-student communities for culturally relevant institutional change at Texas State, 2019 Texas State HSI week & 2019 International Learning Assistant Conference:
Barringer, D., Olmstead, A., & Maldonado, A., First steps towards building curriculum around student interests in astronomy, Summer 2019 AAPT/PERC:
Close, H. G., Meaning and purpose in the pursuit of physics teaching careers, Summer 2019 AAPT/PERC:
Das, K., Close, H. G., & White, A., Learning about teacher recruitment and retention from our math department, Summer 2019 AAPT/PERC:
Gutmann, B. & Steltzer, T., Supporting math skills in mastery-style learning experiences, Summer 2019 AAPT/PERC:
Lunk, B., Conceptual blending in computational modeling, Summer 2019 AAPT/PERC:
McCauley, A., Adkins, M., Close, E. W., Wolf, S.F., Is it teaching or is it physics?, Summer 2019 AAPT/PERC:
Mestas, G. & Close, H. G., Framing the pursuit of a physics degree as a hero’s journey, Summer 2019 AAPT/PERC:
Ochoa-Madrid, E. & Olmstead, A, Characterizing physics students’ interpretations of an ethical framework, Summer 2019 AAPT/PERC:
Sachmpazidi, D., Olmstead, A., Henderson, C., & Beach, A., Designing for sustained improvements: Unpacking how instructional change teams work, Summer 2019 AAPT/PERC:
Schipull, E., Quichocho, X., & Close, E., “Success together”: Physics departmental practices supporting LGBQ+ women and women of color, Summer 2019 AAPT/PERC:
Recent publications
Olmstead, A., Gutmann, B., Ochoa-Madrid, E., Vasquez, A., Pike, C., & Barringer, D. (2023). How can we design instruction to support student reasoning about phyiscists’ ethical responsibilities in society? The Physics Teacher, 61, 343. DOI:
Abdurrahman, F. & Olmstead, A. (2021). Objectivity, culturelessness, and apoliticism: how cultural beliefs prevent the advancement of equity in astronomy graduate programs. In AIP Conference Proceedings: Physics Education Research Conference 2021, Virtual Conference, doi: 10.1119/
Nissen, J. M., Her Many Horses, I., Van Dusen, B., Jariwala, M., & Close, E. W. (2021). Tools for identifying courses that support development of expertlike physics attitudes. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 17, 013103. DOI:
Van Dusen, B., Shultz, M., Nissen, J., Wilcox, B., Holmes, N.G., Jariwala, M., Close, E., Lewandowski, H.J., Pollock, S. (2021). Online administration of research-based assessments. American Journal of Physics. 89(7). DOI:
Sachmpazidi, D., Olmstead, A., Thompson, A. N., Henderson, C., & Beach, A. (2021). Team-based instructional change in undergraduate STEM: Characterizing effective faculty collaboration. International Journal of STEM Education, 8(1), 1-23. DOI:
Olmstead, A. (2021, March 9). Four Categories of Change Strategies for Undergraduate STEM. Retrieved from
Thompson, A. (2020, August 24). Instructional Change Teams: An Exploratory Model. Retrieved from
Gutmann, B., Ochoa-Madrid, E., & Olmstead, A. (2020). “I’m not that important”: Barriers and bolsters to student agency during conversations about the intersections of physics and ethics. In S. Wolf, M. Bennett, & B. Frank (Eds.). AIP Conference Proceedings: 2020 Physics Education Research Conference, Virtual Conference, doi:10.1119/
Quichocho, X. R., Schipull, E. M., & Close, E. W. (2020). Understanding physics identity development through the identity performances of Black, Indigenous, and women of color and LGBTQ+ women in physics. In S. Wolf, M. Bennett, & B. Frank (Eds.). AIP Conference Proceedings: 2020 Physics Education Research Conference, Virtual Conference, doi:10.1119/
Barringer, D., Olmstead, A., & Maldonado, A. (2020). Benefits of a student-led astronomy club: lessons to inform instructional design. In Y. Cao, S. Wolf, & M. B. Bennett (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2019 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Close, H. G. (2020). Meaning and purpose in the pursuit of physics teaching careers. In Y. Cao, S. Wolf, & M. B. Bennett (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2019 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Lunk, B. (2020). Using Conceptual Blending to model how we interpret computational models. In Y. Cao, S. Wolf, & M. B. Bennett (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2019 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Mestas, G. & Close, H. G. (2020). Framing the pursuit of a physics degree as a hero’s journey. In Y. Cao, S. Wolf, & M. B. Bennett (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2019 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Ochoa-Madrid, E., Olmstead, A, & Gutmann, B. (2020). Characterizing physics students’ ethical reasoning after a unit on the development of the atomic bomb. In Y. Cao, S. Wolf, & M. B. Bennett (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2019 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Schipull, E., Quichocho, X., & Close, E. (2020). “Success together”: Physics departmental practices supporting LGBTQ+ women and women of color. In Y. Cao, S. Wolf, & M. B. Bennett (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2019 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Quan, G. M., Gutmann, B., Corbo, J. C., Pollard, B., Turpen, C. and Access Network (2020). The Access Network: Cultivating Equity and Student Leadership in STEM. In Y. Cao, S. Wolf, & M. B. Bennett (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2019 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Quichocho, X., Conn, J., Schipull, E., & Close, E. (2020). Who does physics? Understanding the composition of physicists through the lens of women of color and LGBTQ+ women physicists. In Y. Cao, S. Wolf, & M. B. Bennett (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2019 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Olmstead, A., Beach, A., & Henderson, C. (2019). Supporting improvements to undergraduate STEM instruction: An emerging model for understanding instructional change teams. International Journal of STEM Education, 6(20), doi:10.1186/s40594-019-0173-4
Sault, T. M., Close, H.G., & Wolf, S. F. (2019). Student Cognition in Physics Group Exams. In A. Traxler, Y. Cao, and S. Wolf (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2018 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Barringer, D., Plummer, J. D., Kregenow, J., Palma, C. (2018). Gamified Approach to Teaching Introductory Astronomy Online. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 14, 010140, doi:10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.14.010140
Close, E. W., Mailloux-Huberdeau, J.-M., Close, H. G., & Donnelly, D. (2018). Characterization of time scale for detecting impacts of reforms in an undergraduate physics program. In L. Ding, A. Traxler, & Y. Cao (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2017 Physics Education Research Conference, 88-91, doi:10.1119/
Donnelly, D., Mailloux-Huberdeau, J.-M., Nissen, J. M., & Close, E. W. (2018). Comparison of normalized gain and Cohen’s d for Force Concept Inventory results in an introductory mechanics course. In L. Ding, A. Traxler, & Y. Cao (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2017 Physics Education Research Conference, 112-115, doi:10.1119/
Jariwala, M., Nissen, J. M., Herrarra, X., Close, E. W., & Van Dusen, B. (2018). Participation rates of in-class vs. online administration of low-stakes research-based assessments. In L. Ding, A. Traxler, & Y. Cao (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2017 Physics Education Research Conference, 196-199, doi:10.1119/
Nissen, J. M., Jariwala, M., Close, E. W., & Van Dusen, B. (2018). Participation and performance on paper and computer-based low-stakes assessments. International Journal of STEM Education, 5(21). doi:10.1119/
Olmstead, A. & Turpen, C. (2018). “Curriculum swaps” as a pathway into a geographically-distributed instructional community. In A. L. Traxler, Y. Cao, and S. F. Wolf (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2018 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Olmstead, A., Henderson, C. & Beach, A. (2018). Managing teams for instructional change: Understanding three types of diversity, In L. Ding, A. Traxler, & Y. Cao (Ed.s), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2017 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Plummer, J. D., Palma, C., Gleason, T., & Barringer, D. (2018). Assessing preservice elementary teachers understanding of science practices using dual-purpose children’s storybooks. Paper presented at the NARST: A Worldwide Organization for Improving Science Teaching and Learning through Research annual conference, Atlanta, GA, March 10-13, 2018.
Olmstead, A. & Turpen, C. (2017). Pedagogical sensemaking or “doing school”: In well-designed workshop sessions, facilitation makes the difference. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 13, 020123, doi:10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.13.020123
Close, E. W., Conn, J., & Close, H. G. (2016). Becoming Physics People: Development of Integrated Physics Identity through the Learning Assistant Experience. Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12(1), 010109. In the Focused Collection: Preparing and Supporting University Physics Educators (R. E. Scherr and M. Stetzer, editors). doi:10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.010109
Jariwala, M., White, J. S., Van Dusen, B., & Close, E. W. (2016). In-class vs. Online Administration of Concept Inventories and Attitudinal Assessments. In D. L. Jones, L. Ding, and A. Traxler (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2016 Physics Education Research Conference (pp. 176-179). doi: 10.1119/
Lunk, B. R. & Beichner, R. (2016). Life Science Students’ Attitudes Towards Computational Modeling in Physics,In D. L. Jones, L. Ding, and A. Traxler (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2016 Physics Education Research Conference, doi:10.1119/
Turpen, C., Olmstead, A. & Jardine, H. (2016). A case of physics faculty engaging in pedagogical sense-making, In D. L. Jones, L. Ding, and A. Traxler (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2016 Physics Education Research Conference , 356-359, doi:10.1119/
Olmstead, A. & Turpen, C. (2016). Assessing the interactivity and prescriptiveness of faculty professional development workshops: The real-time professional development observation tool (R-PDOT), Physical Review Physics Education Research, 12, 020136, doi:10.1103/PhysRevPhysEducRes.12.020136
Close, E. W., Seeley, L., Robertson, A. D., DeWater, L. S., & Close, H. G. (2015). Seattle PacificUniversity: Nurturing Physics Teachers at a Small Liberal-Arts School. In E. Brewe & C. Sandifer (Ed.s), Recruiting and Educating Future Physics Teachers: Case Studies and Effective Practices, pp. 37-51. College Park, MD: American Physical Society.
Conn, J., Close, E. W., & Close, H. G. (2015). Learning Assistant Identity Development: Is One Semester Enough? In P. V. Engelhardt, A. D. Churukian, and D. L. Jones (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2014 Physics Education Research Conference (pp. 55-58). DOI: 10.1119/
Olmstead, A. & Turpen, C. (2015). “I got in trouble”: A case study of faculty doing school during professional development, Physics Education Research Conference Proceedings 2015, 243-246, doi:10.1119/
Close, E. W., Conn, J., & Close, H.G. (2014). Development of Integrated Physics Identity through Physics Learning Assistant Experience. In J. L. Polman, E. A. Kyza, D. K. O’Neill, I. Tabak, W. R. Penuel, A. S. Jurow, K. O’Connor, T. Lee, and L. D’Amico (Eds.). Learning and becoming in practice: The International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS) 2014, Volume 3 (pp. 1533-1534). Boulder, CO: International Society of the Learning Sciences.
Close, E. W., Conn, J., & Close, H. G. (2014). Learning Assistants’ Development of Physics (Teacher) Identity. Invited paper. In P. V. Engelhardt, A. D. Churukian, and D. L. Jones (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2013 Physics Education Research Conference (pp. 89-92). DOI: 10.1119/
Close, H. G., Schiber, C. C., Close, E. W., & Donnelly, D. (2014). Students’ dynamic geometric reasoning about quantum spin-1/2 states. In P. V. Engelhardt, A. D. Churukian, and D. L. Jones (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2013 Physics Education Research Conference (pp. 93-96). Finalist for 2013 PERC Paper Award. DOI: 10.1119/
Schiber, C. C., Close, H. G., Close, E. W., & Donnelly, D. (2014). Student use of a material anchor for quantum wave functions. In P. V. Engelhardt, A. D. Churukian, and D. L. Jones (Eds.), AIP Conference Proceedings: 2013 Physics Education Research Conference (pp. 325-328). DOI: 10.1119/